Thursday 9 February 2017

The Character in Kelly Story

 My favourite character in this short story ‘Kelly’ by Zuraidah Omar is Kelly’s mother Sue .My Favourite character is Sue ( mother of  Kelly ), Because Sue is a loving mother because she want to make sure that's Kelly get a a right women to care of herself untill her last breath. It's like what have a Sue told previously to Sarah " Like I'm said, I'm very particular person. I've to know that you're serious about him and that you'll care of him the way I caring of him, because Kelly's very special to me ". Last word, I feel very lucky to be able to read this story and I'm promise will be a Caring wife to my Future Husband, also I'm promise will be a Caring Mother to my Future Children just same like a character of this Sue.Sue as a mother that know what his son want . She also need the best daughter in-law and the partner foe his son . I like this character because Sue as a mother she can feel what Sarah feel  

 Besides that, the favourite character is Sarah. I like this character because, brave , she such as brave girl to see Kelly mother and talk with his mother. She really patient to wait to know who is Kelly name and about Kelly information and she very caring person and lovely. Such as, she try her best to love her ex boyfriend Terence, but that boy just only like using Sarah i think so, and Sarah is not give up person. That why i like Sarah character in this short story.

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